Essential Accessibility Features Every Small Business Website Needs

by | Sep 16, 2024 | Website Design

Making your website accessible to everyone is crucial. Accessibility means designing your site so that all users, including those with disabilities, can use it easily. This not only helps more people visit your site but also shows you care about all your customers.

Many people have difficulties using the internet due to visual, hearing, mobility, or cognitive impairments. By adding accessibility features, you ensure that your website can be used by everyone. This helps build trust and a positive reputation for your business.

In 2024, having an accessible website is not just a nice-to-have feature; it’s a necessity. Laws and regulations are increasingly requiring websites to be accessible. Plus, it can boost your website’s search engine rankings. By focusing on accessibility, you can improve your site’s usability and compliance, and attract a wider audience.

Why Accessibility Matters for Small Business Websites

Accessibility is important for any website, including small businesses. Accessible websites reach more people, making it easier for everyone to use your site. This helps you connect with a wider audience.

Customer Inclusivity

Making your site accessible shows that you care about all your customers. People with disabilities can have equal access to your services and information. This builds trust and loyalty among your audience.

Legal Requirements

Many countries have laws requiring websites to be accessible. In the United States, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates such accessibility. Complying with these laws can help you avoid potential legal issues.

Better User Experience

Accessible websites often provide a better user experience for everyone, not just people with disabilities. For example, clear and simple navigation helps all visitors find what they need quickly. This improves your site’s overall usability.

By making your website accessible, you can reach more customers, comply with laws, and enhance user experience. This is essential for growing your small business.

Keyboard Navigation and Screen Reader Compatibility

Keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility are crucial elements of website accessibility. Many users depend on keyboards or screen readers to browse the web.

Keyboard Navigation

Ensure that your website can be fully navigated with a keyboard. Users should be able to move through links, buttons, and forms using the Tab key. Make sure that interactive elements are easily accessible.

Screen Reader Compatibility

Screen readers read aloud the text on a web page for users with visual impairments. To support screen readers, use semantic HTML. This means using the correct HTML tags like headings (H1, H2, etc.), paragraphs, and lists. This helps screen readers interpret the content correctly.

Focus Indicators

Focus indicators show which element is currently selected when using a keyboard. Highlight links, buttons, and form fields when they are focused. This helps users know where they are on the page.

Aria Landmarks

ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) landmarks can improve screen reader navigation. These landmarks define regions like headers, main content, and footers. This makes it easier for screen readers to tell users where they are on the site.

Ensuring keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility makes your website accessible to users with different abilities. This helps provide a seamless experience for everyone.

Text and Visual Content Accessibility

Making text and visual content accessible ensures everyone can read and understand your website. Follow these tips to improve content accessibility:

Add Alt Text to Images

Alt text describes images for screen readers. This helps users who can’t see the images understand what they represent. Keep alt text brief but descriptive. For example, “A smiling person holding a cup of coffee.”

Use Clear and Simple Language

Write in clear and simple language. Avoid jargon and complex words. This helps everyone, including people with cognitive disabilities, understand your content easily.

Ensure Sufficient Color Contrast

Make sure there’s enough contrast between text and background colors. This makes the text readable for users with visual impairments. Use tools to check contrast ratios and ensure they meet accessibility standards.

Use Headers and Lists

Organize content with headers and lists. Use H1 for main headings, H2 for subheadings, and so on. Lists make steps and key points easier to follow. This structure helps all users navigate your content better.

By making your text and visual content accessible, you ensure that everyone can understand your website’s information, regardless of their abilities.

Forms and Interactive Elements Accessibility

Forms and interactive elements are common on websites. Ensuring these elements are accessible is essential for all users.

Label Your Form Fields

Each form field needs a label. This helps screen readers identify what information the user needs to enter. Place labels close to the corresponding fields.

Provide Error Messages

If users make mistakes, provide clear error messages. Explain what went wrong and how to fix it. Use simple language to make it easy to understand.

Ensure Interactive Elements Are Focusable

Make sure users can focus on interactive elements like buttons and links using the keyboard. Test these elements to ensure they work properly when navigated with the Tab key.

Use Accessible Captchas

Captchas help prevent bots but can be challenging for some users. Use accessible Captchas like simple math questions or audio Captchas to make them easier for everyone.

Include Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts can make forms and interactive elements easier to use. Provide shortcuts for actions like submitting a form or navigating between fields.

Making forms and interactive elements accessible ensures everyone can use your website effectively, leading to a better user experience.


Creating an accessible website is essential for any small business. By ensuring accessibility, you make your site user-friendly for everyone, including those with disabilities. This approach helps you attract a broader audience, build trust, and comply with legal requirements.

From having clear text and visual content, ensuring keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility, to making forms and interactive elements easy to use, each step enhances the overall user experience. Regularly check and update your website to meet accessibility standards and maintain high usability for all visitors.
Ready to make your website accessible and user-friendly? Designly specializes in affordable web design for small businesses. Contact our web design and marketing agency to learn how we can help you optimize your site for everyone!